Fundraise for Childhaven
Thank you for your interest in raising money to support Childhaven! Like you, we you believe that all children deserve to be safe, healthy, and nurtured. Your financial support ensures Childhaven can be there for families to prevent childhood trauma and prepare children for a lifetime of well-being.
To help you get started, here are a few suggested fundraising ideas as well as important guidelines to follow.

Facebook is a great option, as it is free to use and easy to share with people in your network. donate to Childhaven.

Instead of gifts, ask your friends and families to donate to Childhaven.

Host a virtual hour on Zoom and suggest friends donate per drink they enjoy.

Create a 5k or challenge that can be done from home with a donated entree fee.
Guidelines for all Fundraisers
- Communicate in your fundraising materials that you are personally hosting the fundraiser and that all funds benefit Childhaven.
- Please refer to Childhaven’s official donation page for language to use in your fundraiser.
- All fundraisers must align with Childhaven’s values and mission.
- For safety and privacy reasons, do not use any personal information or images of Childhaven children or families in your fundraiser.
- Thank everyone who participated in your fundraiser.
Within 30 days of your fundraiser, send all proceeds to :
1035 SW 124th Street
Seattle, WA 98146

Share Your Fundraiser With Us and Others
We want to know about your fundraiser. Please email us with your questions or your interest in hosting a fundraiser.
How You Can Help

Would you like to know how you can make a difference in the life of a child or family? Grow hope by getting involved in the exciting work happening, make a donation, or sponsor an event.