A message from Jon Botten CEO during the Coronavirus Pandemic
A message from Jon Botten CEO during the Coronavirus Pandemic
*Please scroll down for more COVID-19 updates
While we are in uncharted territory caused by the Coronavirus pandemic, we are grateful for the ways we can come together as a community.
Childhaven has been serving the Puget Sound region since 1909, helping families not only navigate life’s challenges, but helping them thrive in spite of them. During this time of uncertainty, Childhaven is committed, more than ever, to our vision that all children are safe and healthy; flourishing physically, socially, emotionally, and educationally; well-nurtured by family and community.
We are happy to report that we have moved the majority of our services to telehealth, ensuring children and families are regularly connecting with their care teams. Childhaven is continuing to serve children and families in the following ways:
- Counseling Services
- Developmental Therapies
- Wraparound Supports
- Child and Family Meetings
- Home Learning Activities
- Parental and Caregiver Supports
- Delivering FareStart Meals
- Delivering Basic Needs
During this time of heightened stress and economic challenges, we are continuing to take referrals and provide supports for new children and families in our community.
Thank you for helping us carry out our mission to partner with parents and community, to strengthen families, prevent childhood trauma and its damaging effects, and prepare children for a lifetime of well-being.
With deep appreciation,
Jon Botten
Adapting to Meet the Needs of our Community
During these unprecedented times, I want to assure you that Childhaven is committed to our vision that all children are safe and healthy; flourishing physically, socially, emotionally, and educationally; well-nurtured by family and community.
We are happy to report that we have moved the majority of our services to teleheath, ensuring children and families are regularly connecting with their care teams. Childhaven is continuing to serve children and families in the following ways:
- Counseling Services
- Developmental Therapies
- Wraparound Supports
- Child and Family Meetings
- Home Learning Activities
- Parental and Caregiver Supports
- Delivering FareStart Meals
- Delivering Basic Needs
Childhaven is accepting referrals for all programs, including Flourish/ECLIPSE (0-5 years), WISe (Wraparound with Intensive Services (0-12 years), Early Intervention (0-3 years), Early Learning (preschool and prek), and Counseling services (0-12 years).To make a referral you may call 206-957-4841 or send us an email.
This month, we made the difficult decision to not reopen the classroom component of our Flourish program, which was closed a few weeks ago due to COVID19. I’m pleased to share that through regular telehealth visits, every family who had a child in our classroom program continues to be supported by their wraparound team, mental health counselors, and early intervention providers. We are continuing to accept new referrals for this program. Families referred to the Flourish program will receive wraparound care, distance early learning support, as well as navigation to access child care placements in the community and support child care providers around children’s individualized needs.
For more information regarding the closure of the classroom component of our Flourish program please read the FAQ document below. Thank you for your continued support ensuring that together, we can better serve our community.
With deep appreciation,
Jon Botten
We believe that every human has equal and infinite value
If you do to, we invite you to partner with us. Your support helps children and families overcome the effects of adversity and trauma.